The Monofones

THE MONOFONES were founded in 2007 by three maniacs, who all come from a different musical background. While the guitarist Sir Hamesly is a dedicated fan of Heavy Metal, Blues, Gospel and all the notorious 80’s Hardrock Bands, the drummer El Miguel owns a large collection of 60’s garage soul and trash LPs and the most awful German Schlager you can imagine. Miss O.O. seems to refuse growing up and loves all the English and American Indie, Garage and Punk bands which are usually preferred by teenagers. Both Sir Hamesly and El Miguel are experienced musicians, as the former plays with THE FUCKADIES and as the latter used to play the drums for THE NEVER EVERS. Miss O.O. did not have any musical experience as such, but when Sir Hamesly and El Miguel were looking for a singer this did not really matter, as the two were obviously heavily impressed with Miss O.O.’s cleavage and its content. Because of the size of this content, Sir Hamesly and El Miguel have actually failed to notice until today, that Miss O.O. is a lousy singer…. but that’s another story. Influenced by their different musical backgrounds THE MONOFONES play a mixture of 60’s garage trash punk-inferno disco-massacre kind of thing. This is done with a rumbling drum, a heavily distorted Gretsch guitar which sounds like a John Deere tractor shortly before kicking the bucket and a female voice by which you wouldn't like to be told off. The shows of THE MONOFONES guarantee not only a low-fi inferno of a different kind but are also highly amusing, as all the MONOFONES members are rather openhearted and blabbermouthed.

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