
GGGOLDDD is a contemporary metal/rock band from the Netherlands, concidered 'heavy' because of its songs, more than its sound. This quintet focuses on form and content, where their instruments are mere means to express.
The songwriting core of GOLD exists of guitarist Thomas Sciarone (ex-The Devil’s Blood) and singer Milena Eva. Longtime friends Igor Wouters and Harm Haverman provide a rock steady yet adventurous foundation and new kid on the block Nick Polak completes the bunch with his talent for harmony and melody.
With ‘Interbellum’ GOLD deliver their first full-length album. Each single song on the album is a well-crafted piece of music and a story on it’s own, however ‘Interbellum’ as an album is more than the sum of the parts. It’s a monument to our time and to a civilization in decline. It deals with instability and the fear of things to come. But ‘Interbellum’ also offers a spark of love and hope in an attempt to give meaning to life in modern times.
On ‘Interbellum’ GOLD have clearly crafted their own style with elements not unfamiliar to man. Milena Eva sets herself apart from other singers in modern rock music with her warm and soulful voice. She’s supported by a heavy rocking band whose effect is undeniable, but so is their joy in playing. Together they form an ambitious force that is eager to share its music with the crowds.
Again the Amsterdam Recording Company was the studio of choice and serves as another defining instrument on the album. It’s authentic tone and warmth completes the richness of GOLD’s sound. Vanderbuyst main man Willem Verbuyst co-produced the album together with Igor Wouters (the band’s drummer), capturing the songs in a fresh and open sound with attention for the whole as well as the detail.

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