
1. Fireborn is a Swedish death metal band formed in 2014. The band consists out of members from well known Swedish metal bands; Unleashed, Entombed and Necrophobic. They don't intend to sound like any of the members main bands but intend to create some original sounding furious death metal.

L-G Petrov (Entombed, Entombed A.D., ex-Nihilist, ex-Comecon) - Vocals
Victor Brandt (Entombed, Entombed A.D.) - Guitar
Fredrik Folkare (Unleashed], Necrophobic) - Guitar
A. Impaler (Necrophobic, Naglfar) - Bass
Matte Modin (Dark Funeral, Defleshed) - Drums

2. Fireborn is also a split-up American melodic death metal band. They are no longer together, but most of the members went on to form the band Dragonwind.

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