
Bitterness grew from the ashes of Steel Tormentor in 2001, domiciled in southern Germany. Accordingly to their Website, they play a mixture of Thrash-Metal like Kreator & Destruction and Death-Metal like At the Gates, The Everdawn & Unanimated. Their goal is to express "bitterness" in the lyrical and musical way.

Their releases so far:

2007 - As All Beauty Starts to Fade... (EP)
2005 - Autumn's Fall (Full-length Album)
2005 - Withered Sunlight/False Guardians (Split with Witchburner)
2004 - Marching Towards Infinity (EP)
2004 - Eve of Destruction (Single)
2003 - Sweet Suicide Solutions (Full-length Album)
2002 - Dawn of Golden Blood (Full-length Album)
2001 - ...And Death marches on (Demo)

There's also an italian Alternative Rock band named Bitterness, who plays a mixture of rock, punk, grunge and electronic.
they've just released their debut album Genetic Surgery Department

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Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2025
Baden in Blut Festival Weil Am Rhein